
Safest Weight Loss Steroid for Females

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Safest Weight Loss Steroid for Females


Safest Weight Loss Steroid for Females

Women who want to lose weight using steroids have their work cut out before they start. Steroids are all based around male hormones which has a major impact on the opposite sex.

“What kind of impact do steroids have on women?”

One of the biggest drawbacks for women on steroids is from masculinisation – development of “man-like” features. Symptoms can include the following:

Deepening of voice
Clitoral enlargement
Breast reduction
Irregular menstrual cycle
Excessive facial and body hair growth
As we covered earlier, clenbuterol is not a steroid which means the threat of these serious side effects will not be an issue.

When you take this into account it’s pretty safe to say, clen is definitely the safest drug for women to use for weight loss.

Or is it?

If you remember, Clenbuterol does have some very nasty unique side effects of its own.

So the winner of weight loss steroids for females goes to…..


I know what you are thinking – It’s a steroid!! What about masculinization?

Well, Anavar is considered to be a lot milder on the side effects for women – it’s not called the “female-friendly” steroid for nothing.

Bottom line

When you compare it to Clen’s offerings Anavar is the better option for women.

Legal Anavar Powder For Sale

Legal Anavar Injectable Liquid For Sale

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