
How to Filter Semi-finished Steroid Oil?

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How to Filter Semi-finished Steroid Oil?



How to Filter Semi-finished Steroid Oil?


Step 1:

Swab the top of the vial with alcohol wipes to sterilize it







Step 2:

Insert the 20guage syringe filtered needle into the septum of the vial (the rubber piece)


Step 3:

Insert the second needle tip into the septum to vent the pressure that will build from injecting the solution into the vial







Step 4:

Draw up the warmed solution. Having it warmed will speed up the process and make it easier to filter







Step 5:

Attach the barrel of the syringe to the whatman syringe filter. push the solution through the whatman syringe filter into the sterile vial. Use constant pressure. It will only trickle. Be sure not to apply immense pressure as that will split the syringe filter and you will have a mess everywhere







Step 6:

Detach the syringe barrel from the whatman syringe filter and draw up another 10mls of your steroid solution. Reattach to the syringe filter and filter it into the new sterile vial. .If using 10ml vials, Just repeat steps 9 thru 12 filtering 10mls of the solution in each of the vials







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