
Dosage of Testosterone Sustanon 250

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Dosage of Testosterone Sustanon 250


Medical dosage of Testosterone Sustanon 250

We’ve already know that Sustanon 250 was originally designed and intended for use in medical application, specifically for the treatment of Testosterone deficient hypogonadal males. For the treatment of hypogonadism (or any condition resulting in Testosterone deficiency), the original medically advised Sustanon 250 doses called for a 250mg administration every 3 weeks. The very infrequent administration protocol is due to the previously explained property of Sustanon 250 whereby it will provide varying release rates and half-lives due to the blend of four different Testosterone ester types. Recall that Sustanon 250 will provide an immediate release of Testosterone over a 24 – 48 hour period (due to the short estered Testosterone variants in the mixture, such as Testosterone Propionate and Testosterone Phenylpropionate). Following this immediate release, the rest of the Testosterone is to be elevated for a period of approximately 21 days.


Beginner, Intemediate, and Advanced Sustanon 250 Dosages

There unfortunately exists very little flexibility for Sustanon 250 doses between the three tiers of users (beginner, intermediate, and advanced).

Beginner Sustanon 250 doses are in the range of 300 – 500mg weekly, which is also the standard beginner dose of any and all Testosterone cycles and this dose range should be sufficient enough to provide some dramatic gains even on the lowest number in the range given.

Intermediate users will generally make excellent progress from 500 – 750mg weekly of Sustanon 250. Advanced users will make excellent progress from the same dose range as intermediate users, and should rarely find the need to rise above this range (especially considering advanced users tend to utilize other anabolic steroids stacked with Sustanon 250).

In any case, advanced Sustanon 250 doses tend to be in the range of 500 – 1000mg weekly, but it is important to be aware that higher doses of any anabolic steroid is not the definition of an advanced user. Often times, excessive anabolic steroid doses will lead to increased incidence of side effects and bodily harm. Very high and excessive doses are quite plainly abuse and not responsible use.

Being a Testosterone product, Sustanon 250 use as a primary anabolic in a cycle is not always necessary, and this has been touched upon lightly earlier in this profile. Often times, users (mostly intermediate and advanced users) will stack other compounds with Sustanon 250 (or any Testosterone product) and desire that only those other compounds exhibit the primary anabolic effects in the cycle, As a result, Sustanon 250 doses in this case are relegated to what is known as TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy) dosing schemes. The idea with running Sustanon 250 or any Testosterone product at TRT doses is to simply mimic the level of Testosterone that the body endogenously produces naturally, so as to maintain the proper normal physiological function that Testosterone provides while the user’s natural Testosterone production is shut down as a result of the anabolic steroid use in the cycle. The acceptable TRT dose range for Sustanon 250 or any Testosterone product is 100mg per week.


Female Sustanon 250 Dosage

Sustanon 250 is not recommended for females due to the strong androgenic nature of Testosterone. Instead, female athletes looking to use anabolic steroids should look elsewhere to the less potent androgenic anabolic steroids in existence. Sustanon 250 is used medically for females for the purpose of facilitating female-to-male transgender transformations. Sustanon 250 is the compound of choice for this purpose because of its strong ability to produce virilization and masculinizing effects in women. The very slow and varying release times of Sustanon 250 are also unsuitable for female athletes seeking to use anabolic steroids without a large risk of virilization.

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